• Dr. Rachel Freathy, Exeteri ülikooli arstiteaduskond, Suurbritannia
    • Loengu pealkiri: Using Genetics to understand how the intra-uterine environment influences fetal growth

  • Prof. Peter Damm, Kopenhaageni ülikoolihaigla, Taani
    •  Loengu pealkiri: Gestational diabetes – short and long-term consequences for mother and offspring  

  • Prof. Johan Gunnar Eriksson, Helsingi ülikool, Soome
    • Loengu pealkiri: Importance of early life for later health outcomes--findings from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
  • Dr. Nicholas Harvey, Southamptoni ülikool, Suurbritannia
    • Loengu pealkiri: Vitamin D in pregnancy: implications for maternal and offspring health
  • Prof. Maria Christina Jenmalm, Linköpingi ülikool, Rootsi
    • Loengu pealkiri: Intrauterine and early infancy determinants of allergy development
  • Prof. Christopher Redman, Oxfordi ülikool, Suurbritannia
    • Loengu pealkiri: Placental stress and preeclampsia, in relation to future maternal health 

  • Prof. Rebecca Reynolds, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
    • Loengu pealkiri: Endocrine communication in maternal-fetal programming and long-term offspring outcomes

  • Prof. Richard Sharpe, Edinburghi ülikool, Šotimaa, Suurbritannia
    • Loengu pealkiri: Impacts of common fetal exposures on reproductive development and function in both sexes and their long-term impacts
  • Prof. Anne Cathrine Staff, Oslo ülikool, Norra
    • Loengu pealkiri: Long-term Maternal Cardiovascular disease after Pregnancy Hypertension and Placental dysfunction: possible mechanisms and how to follow up women at risk?